Welcome to St. Peter's
‘Learning is a matter of gathering knowledge, wisdom is applying that knowledge and this impeccable treasure would follow you everywhere.’ St. Peter’s Convent, Vikas Puri caters to the creation of an environment providing excellence and commitment. Equipping the 21st century skills through a spontaneous interplay of academic curricula and extra-curricular activities, each moment spent in the school inculcates an engaging desire among our learners to incorporate learning to the core. The school focuses on providing holistic education with the right mix of knowledge, skills and attitude. We believe in building leaders who have the ability to succeed in every endeavour they undertake. Learning is not just about theoretical knowledge anymore, it’s an essential assimilation of practicality and technology. Our vision of creating champions of knowledge is carried forward by a team of dedicated and compassionate faculty members, who work seamlessly to foster an academic environment of innovation and brilliance.

Dr. R.K Tandon
ChairmanEducation is the basis of all progress. It is characterized by innovative thoughts churning out of the depths of creative minds at every step and aiming for a progressive approach. The purpose of education is not to restrict the students to bookish knowledge only, but to broaden their horizon and encompass the infinite.
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Dr. Reema Tandon
Vice-ChairpersonFor me, action generates inspiration to explore, enquire, execute and accomplish. I believe in education that is child-centered and global in approach, based on character building and intellectual stimulation.
SPC cares for the spiritual health of the student community, in addition to the more obvious areas of physical, mental and emotional health.
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Ms. Andrea Maria Ghagre
PrincipalThe true meaning of education cannot be comprehended unless one develops a deep passion for learning. Learning too is not a necessity, it’s a practice, which enriches the spirit with time. Our motto at St. Peter’s Convent ‘Light and Learning’, intends to make learning as an effortless habit in our students and driving them to aspire for the best.
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